Dark + Deep: NU Edition / Primary After Party

Was excited to get to take some pictures for ++ at their Dark and Deep party at Debonair.  Below are some of my favorite shots.  To see the whole gallery check out the Dark and Deep with ++ Gallery on my Google+ Page.

As always if you want more photos of yourself.  Just email me using the information on the contact page.

I hope to do a lot more blogging and picture taking than I have over the last 6 months and I promise it won't take forever to get the photos posted.

Itten's Smooth/Rough Contrast Assignment

For my photography class at the Chicago Photography Center we are working on taking pictures based on Johannes Itten's Contrasts.  The practice is really helpful in seeing the world in different ways.  Michael Freeman, The Photographer's Eye discusses these contrasts. 

For my assignment, I chose smooth/rough which ended up being harder than I thought at first.  I went to the Art Institute of Chicago and it helped to give me some really strong ideas.  Now I have to narrow it down to two pictures.  My top 5 from that day are in this gallery.